

Have you ever questioned God, do I have a calling on my life? Or wondered how do I know what God wants me to do? When am I supposed to do it? How do I get it done? What are my talents? Is there more to my life then just going to work everyday? Did you know God has an assignment for you?

As a small child, Samuel was being raised in the Temple. One day, God Almighty called to him, but Samuel thought he was hearing the voice of Eli the priest. When Eli realized the child had heard God, he instructed Samuel saying, “So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” (1 Samuel 3:9, NKJ)

Perhaps like Samuel, you aren’t sure whether or not you are hearing the voice of the Lord in respect to your calling. You want to live your life for God, but you also have gifts and talents that you’d like to see mature. And what about all those plans you’ve made? What exactly is it that God wants you to do?

Seven Dimensions to Fulfilling Your Call helps you search for, discover, and implement God’s call in your life. Author Kelvin Collins allows readers along for the ride as he travels his personal journey of discovery, all the while helping you hear what God is uniquely calling you to do. As you listen for God’s exact call, Collins guides you to explore such topics as:

  • The definition of the call
  • The purpose of the call
  • The priority set by the call
  • How the call defines you
  • How God navigates your course relative to your call, and
  • Timing critical to your success in your call

Upon completion of this book, you should be well on your way to implementing God’s call in your life.