To Pursue Your Call You Have To Step into a God Moment (Part # 3)

5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? 9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? John 6:5,9

Finally, stepping into your God moment can activate others. I can only imagine that little boy’s excitement when he returned to school the next day? Let suppose the teacher asked,

“Hey class, who wants to share what they learned yesterday?”
“I do!” The little boy sprints to the front of the class.
“I helped Mr. Jesus feed the world!” he shouts! The kids in the classroom respond in awe.
“You can help to!”
“Next field trip, everybody, bring your lunch!”

In Mark 8:4-10, there is second occasion where Jesus feeds a crowd of over 4000 people who were with him in a desert place and were hungry. Like before, Jesus challenged the disciples on how the people should be fed. However, once again the disciples responded, “How can anyone find enough bread to satisfy these people in a remote place like this?” (Mark 8:4) They approached this new challenge the same way they did the first time.

But Jesus wasn’t done teaching His followers. He asked them what did they find? They responded, “seven loaves of bread and a few small fish.” And like before, Jesus took the bread and the fish, blessed it, and then gave it to the disciples to distribute and feed everyone. What’s interesting is that the Bible doesn’t note where the food came from. It sounds to me like maybe some kids made their lunch available, again.

When you step into your God Moment, you are sowing into the Kingdom of God. You are adding to the ingredients that make up the call on your life. Fulfilling your call is about the journey; and God will enable you to accomplish great things all along the way. So like that little boy, do your part and believe. Then God can do His part and produce miraculous results with your life.


To Pursue Your Call You Have To Step into a God Moment (Part # 3) — 1 Comment

  1. I absolutely LOVE this book! God is so good and has been right there for me every step of the way as I read. I went through a process of picking it and putting it down. And let me tell you something…for every time sat the book down and didn’t read for a few days, those days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. But as sure as my Heavenly Father reigns now and forevermore in my life..not one single time did I ever pick the book back up and it not be made clear to me that it was Gods appointed time for to do so. It was always that like confirmation to questions that I had been praying about. And we have all heard the saying (and the “Saving the BEST for Last” and that’s exactly my sentiments about the Dimension in the book! I now realize I am in a particular season in my life and i’m able to discern things more clearly, as well as asses myself about things God is trying to do within/for me. I recently lost my mom a few weeks ago. And my father almost 2yrs ago in this upcoming June. And with Mother’s Day around the corner, my mom’s birthday, Memorial Day, and the Father’s Day soon following after that, I know the it was destined for me to do exactly what did, every time I started & stopped reading. Tonight I just finished reading the last two dimensions in the book that I started on about a month or two ago. Your words tremendously blessed my soul. I am so thankful for your own obedience to fulfilling your call. Without it,you wouldn’t have touch me; and i’m sure many others lives, as you have through your obedience in writing it! Im so excited that your soon coming to town for Founder’s Day. And i’ve invited some guest!

    God Bless
