About the Book


Seven Dimensions to
Fulfilling your Call

(Excerpts from the Book)

“One of the things I learned while writing this book is that the call of God is not a mystery. It’s not something on its way to you, it’s already here, and it’s in you. If you haven’t discovered it, it’s just a matter of time before you will.”

“When God gives us a vision, dream, or concept for something, that’s His way of passing the baton. It’s His way of putting the work into our hands for us to carry out.”

“What I’ve come to learn is that your calling defines you. Your calling is like purpose; it’s something you’re born with. You can’t push it away; you just have to fulfill it.”

“In Genesis 22, Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar. That is when he experienced God as Jehovah Jireh, his Provider; a side of God he hadn’t experienced until that moment. When you are willing to make personal sacrifices for God, you have the opportunity to experience a side of God that you may have never seen before.”

“…to grow in God, you have to be in position to supply, actively allowing God to work in you “to will and do of His good pleasure.” If you notice a part of the body of Christ that is lacking, could it be the position is waiting on you, a joint to supply the demand? Therefore be what God has called you to be.”